Best 35p Cyclotron

The Best 35p is a 35 MeV proton cyclotron.  It is designed to produce radioisotopes using the (p,2n) or the (p,3n) reaction.  There is a broad range of single photon emitters that are used in nuclear diagnostic imaging and therapy that are accessible in this energy domain.  TeamBest® will partner with the end user to create a facility that will satisfy the end user's requirements and provide some of TeamBest's radioisotope supply requirements.  Both solid and gas target systems can be added to the Best 35p system.

External Production Targets

The cyclotron is supplied with high current solid target stations and high current gas target stations.


Best 35p Cyclotron Type of Cyclotron

  • Negative hydrogen ion (H-)
  • External ion source, multi-cusp 15 mA
  • Simultaneous dual beam extraction (multiple foil extraction cartridge)
  • Custom design beam line configuration (4 to 6 beam lines)

Beam Current

  • 800 µA, combined beam current
  • Higher currents available (1000 µA)

Beam Energy

  • 35 MeV fixed energy extraction


  • Magnet coil:  ˜101 kAT
  • Weight:  ˜50 tons
  • Geometry:  4 sector, deep valley

Best 35p Map RF System

  • Resonator:  2 Dees
  • Dee Voltage:  60 kV
  • RF frequency:  65 MHz, 4th harmonic
  • Power required:  22 kW (nominal)
  • Energy gain per turn:  240 keV

Vacuum System

  • Base Pressure:  <1 x 10-7 Torr
  • Operating Pressure:  <2 x 10-7 Torr
  • Pumps:  Cryogenic pump system

Automated Control System

  • Computer system:  Standard PC, Windows−based OS
  • Controllers:  Siemens Industrial PLC Modules
  • User console:  Color monitor
  • Interface:  Graphical user interface
  • Networking:  Standard thin-wire Ethernet hardware